Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!!!! Last night I went to midnight mass. It was shorten than I expected. I am surprise that I did not fall asleep. Perhaps that nap helped. Or perhaps it was the annoying FOBs that sat in front of us. I don't know. Sadly, after the service my family and I were commenting on the FOBs in front of us.

Aside from that, today my family and I will be joining my extended relatives at my cousins house. They live in Walnut I think. Which is perfect, I can drop of my expense reports. I need to get repaid.

I woke up early again today. Absolutely not getting my 8 hours, how sad. BRB...I have to go exercise cause my mom is nagging my dad too, and he is passing it off to me. He just wants to get outta it. Bad Daddy.

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