Saturday, December 04, 2004

it's saturday, what a nice day. I am so tired and would love to crawl back into bed. i threw my back out on thursday. so now it is slightly painful when i bend. friday started out nicely cause all i had was a meeting and the rest of the day was mine. so i went to the meeting and saw the new facility. then i decided to use this friday as a day to get all the stuff i can't do since i travel 100% of the time.

i went to carlsbad cause i wanted to make use of the friends and family at banana. i got a lot of gifts there. ;) However this was not an easy task, i tell you. so let me begin my tale. it all started with my keys. i shopped for a good half hour then i went to try stuff on. okay manybe 15 mins. my keys sat in my back butt pocket. so that isn't the smallest place to put you keys i tell you. so then i became frantic cause oh my gosh, i can't lose my keys. how am i going to get home. i am 44 miles away. so then i thought maybe i left it in the fitting room. and at the time an old lady was in there and we asked her to look. when she came out she didn't want anyone to go into that fitting room. and I was like, is it okay if i check to see if it is in there. she wasn't nice about it at all. you have to understand i have to see for myself or else i will always wonder. and why should i trust her word for it. i don't even know her. in the end, i found my keys in my shopping back. i was so glad, yet so BITTER! i ran into that old lady again and she ended up not getting anything.

to continue on, one particular person at banana was not nice at all. i wanted to of course save as much money as i can, so i wanted to take advantage of the 30% off. so i returned what i had purchased yesterday to re buy along with a bunch of other stuff. and she who wasn't even serving me doesn't mind her own business and says you have to go back to the floor and grab them. is she like the DUMBEST person. yeah i think so. cause it took me no more than 1 minute to grab those items. and it will take her at least 10 mins to retag them and put them back. stupid, as if there wasn't enough crap out there already. some people are just really stupid. i mean go ahead make it hard for me. i am still going to save so much more money. on top of that i probably make so much more money than your fat ass. in the end, why can't people just be nice, don't they realize they will get what is coming to them sooner or later. i don't mean to be mean, but serious, people better start treating others like they want to be treated cause it really will catch up with you in the end.

i don't mean to rat out on those challenged people but serious. and i mean challenged as those people who are mean to you because they envy you somehow.

that's all the bitter ranting for today. in conclusion, it's the patient and nice. it'll keep the gray away.

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