Saturday, July 13, 2002


Television. i don't watch it too often, especially during the school year. but it's summer time and i have more time (at least for now). So when i get a chance to, I watch a little here and there. Here are a couple of shows worth watching.

what's it about? it's about these three guys that are buddies. And well its about living in NY. at least i think it's in new york. So the cast..... cute british guy. he's got the whole accent, and well....accents, ya gotta love that, that is british, australian accents. funny asian guy....and that guy in american pie who boned stiffley's mom. you should watch it, it's on the WB, channel 5, thursday at 9pm, i think.

i don't think i have to say much about this show. I'm like the only one, who hasn't seen it until recently. that's the good thing about the summer time, they show re-runs. So anyways, it's basically a teenager version of superman.

Sex in the City
Sara Jessica Paker and her group of ladies. Basically the show is about women and their sex lives and how they (women) are being like men (or sometime like that). Meaning, being a man and having sex, meaningless for some and others with meaning. 4 women. Carrie is a columnist, Charlotte is more innocent and traditional, Maranda is a lawyer, and Samatha is the slut, per say. I was curious to see why they win so many things and now I can see why. It's actually a good show. So the lesson here is, I was curious to see what all the talk was about (just like with the blog) and I looked into it and now I know.

On lighter things, my friend, Sondhaya, came to visit on thursday. She had to take care of some pressing matters at school. We did dinner, shoppng and more. Dinner at the cheesecake factory. Their mashed potato is absolutely delicious. When I go there, I try to get something with mashed potatoes. I had the grilled chicken medalion, it was pretty good. I like how they garnished it with bell peppers. Their cheesecake is also good. It's a bit creamy though. I can never finish a whole slice myself. Sometime I enjoy frozen cheesecake, I like how it melts in your mouth. like the ones they sell at Costco. I am always tempted to buy the onces they sell at traders joe, but i never do because i can't finish that whole cheesecake, it'll just go bad and that would just be a waste.

The next day, we ordered take-out from Claim Jumpers. I had the soup and 1/2 sandwich. Little jumpers chicken tenderlions, and chocolate walnut brownie. oink oink. It was really a lot of food. I ordered French Onion soup because I was curious to know why so many people like it. It wasn't too good. Perhaps it was just a bad first experience, but to be safe, i'll steer clear from french onion for a while. Sondhaya had a cheesebuger and her advise was "don't ever order a burger from claim jumpers." She also had a carrot cake, that was pretty good. As for the walnut brownie I ordered, it was so big. That's why i bought it. anyways, i took 3 bites. projected finishing's sweet.

Today, I took a diagnostic test for my DATs. It was horrible, i forgot so much of the stuff I learned 1-2 years ago. That's what I just needed to push me to study. The perceptual also blew me away. And the reading comprehension, I am so rusty. I think I'll ask Chris to teach me a few tricks. As for the quantitative reasoning, also rusty. I haven't gotten my books yet, what a disppointment. I have a midterm coming up and a paper, I better get cacking on those.

Let me set a few goals for myself: (in no particular order)
1. read a book
2. study for DATs
3. sign up for DATs
4. look for a place to live
5. update website
6. study for midterm 2
7. work on paper

I think that's about it for now. So hopefully, i get to some of it. well that's it for now.

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