Friday, July 05, 2002

Cowboy Bebop......

Well, today i really didn't do much. I went to my psych class and saw a pretty interesting movie. we learned about language and whether or not language can only be learned during the critical period. For humans, they say our critical period is between 4 yrs of age until 14 years of age. Apparently this true, so let me give you future parents some advice. (on a side not, i am at home in arcadia, sitting in Sophia's (my younger sister) leprecon desk. I feel like a giant sitting here, this table is too low, and this chair is too high.) Anyways, as I was saying, the best time to enrich a child is at the age of 4. Why? Because at this point, children have the fullest capacity to learn. They are young minds waiting to be molded into something great. That myth during the 50s about children learning two languages at once being harmful to them.... well, that's just bullshit. During this critical period is the window of opportunity for children to learn/expand on their language capabilities. To make my point clear, if you want your child to be a great musician, expose him/her to a musical instrument at four. If you want them to know more than one language, expose them to it at 4.

As I was saying earlier, I am home now. When I got here, my younger brother, Benedict, was watching Cowboy Bebop. He was on the last two episodes. I noticed something odd about it though. He was watching it in English. And well, what can i say, it's just not the same. It's not as good when you watch it in english. it just felt strange to me, and so un-Spike like. Cowboy Bebop is one of the best anime ever. I mean when i first started watching it, I was like, huh, it's the same plot over and over again. but then whaw.... it hit me. It's really well written and has extensive character development. Especially when Ed enter the picture. I really enjoy the songs too, they are really original. It definitely didn't cop out on anything.

Crash....smash...pop....buzzzzzz..........ugh. older brother, Blaise, is disrupting me as I write in this......constant question of "are you done yet?"......anyways....let me get back on track here. so as you can see being at home disturbs my creativity with so distractions. anyways, it has its pros and cons. See, i am never really bored with so many siblings around. except for when i am home alone.

It's been while, I went to the mall with Sophia today. She needed to get a gift for her friend, David, who is hosting a dinner. So we ended up picking something from Abercrombie. a red shirt, pretty plain on the front with a small A&F logo. What caught my attention was the writting on the back. It stated, "Bounty Hunter." Which in turn reminded me of Cowboy Bebop and then whether or not i should get it for chris. i decided not to because he might not like the logo on the front. i didn't buy anything for myself though , (pretty good for me, i'm a shop-a-holic)......i guess that's good.

ugh....i have to wake up so early tomorrow to take my car in to fix its little funks. well, that's it for now, see you in space cowboy.

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