Friday, October 28, 2005

listening to......happy halloween

so i am just so exhausted, i want to get a chapter in tonight at least, and so excited that i get to sleep in tomorrow.

today was an okay day.....however, i feel so outta it. my initial motive was to go to target and some knee highs. i did. however, i took a detour. i went to J.J Bakery and got my favorite munchies and since there was a 99, i got some bread. it's big and yummy. next week it will be breakfast. I also decided to get some mango fruit bars, too bad, they didn't have any coconut. i was think red bean, but i remember not liking it so much. so as I was leaving 99, i almost got into an accident. good thing i did not. on these occassions, I see it as my guardian angel protecting me and my mom's prayers. so i also spotted some decent gas and filled up. finally i made it to target, but I almost got into an accident again. this time the lady did not see me and almost crushed me. that was WAY scary. i did not see my life flash b4 my eyes. i was just like WOAH. it scared me. target made things better though and what was even better was I found some found while i was there. it was great, i stepped on it and in my mine I was like "MINE." usually I try to see who owns it, but it was just there and by default, it became mine. How grand, it paid for my legging, YEAH!!!!!! that made my day, aside from this lovely new song.....i can't remember who the group was... a little help. But i feel like i have heard it before, I just can't make it out.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Who the hell brings notes to go clubbing? My morning jacket- I will sing you songs.