Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the blower's daughter.......

why? why must i consume chocolate? it's funny, pre sheila eating it is, like, yeah, totally, post sheila....i feel sick, okay no more crunch fun size bar. i am going to just stick to my gourmet truffles. those are always satisfying, especially godiva.

so i was quite annoyed when i came home. SOMEONE, i know who jacked the rest of my milk. what is up with that. sure it expires today and I was going to use it, but to my disregard, it was gone before i could get to it. it's not like this is the first time either. so milk stealer, please stop taking what is not yours. get it your DAMN self, or ask. then i will say NO! jackaSS, that's right. hahahah....i am so evil, i know. hahahha....okay...whatevers. i am just going to have to start labeling, what a pain. still T-eeedddd. it will pass in a few, till something else pisses me off.

so i have noticed, all this time i have thought/seen myself as a patient person, but really have come realize how very immpatient i have become. so yeah.....what happened?

so i saw another concert at the irvine barclay theatre, it was nice to be around campus and the university center, it brings back memories.

okay, off to write my sense away.

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