Monday, October 24, 2005

listening to lifehouse.....

omg, i hurt so much, i haven't worked out on the bike in ages. my quads and all lower half of my body is in pain. i truly don't know how this happened. my knee is killing me like crazy, why? great...that means i gotta get back on them advil pills, boo.....i will wait to see if it passes before i got on them. gosh, i must sound like a druggie. when i am clearly not one. so lately, i have been starring at a computer screen, and it has come to a point, where i am totally zoning out. i seriously can run the BIER without thinking, isn't that scary? cause i totally zone out sometimes but an unconciously running it.

so something has been bothering me lately. i feel so irresponsible and there isn't enough time in the day. there is so much i want to accomplish, but it becomes impossible to carry it all out in my waking hours. i feel so torn sometimes cause i feel like i am letting people down. i wish i could be in two places at once. i have this constant conflict with myself, where i want to be available to everyone and it just so hard to choose. should i sacrifice what i want. i haven't totally grasp the treat yourself first concept. it is so complicated yet so trivial, ahhh....i don't know what i am trying to get at. i'll watch some tv instead. oh yeah, slight solution......fall back, i gain an hour....maybe that will help? no?

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