Monday, June 30, 2014

Refreshing Snack or Breakfast

I must be crazy because I am baking bread in this 90 degree weather! It is so hot and humid today that my dough just wanted to melt away. Fortunately, the bread just came out of the oven so the kitchen isn't crazy hot anymore.

I wanted to share a great snack/breakfast with you guys.  I typically will have this for breakfast and top it with some fruits.  It also makes a great snack.  Really perfect for the summer heat out here.  It's Chia Pudding.

This is a really easy recipe.  You don't have to be super exact and you can play around with the pudding consistency.  For example, if you like a thick pudding consistency, then add more chia seeds, like 1/2 cup or so. If you like a thinner pudding consistency, then add less chia seeds.  Also, if you prefer a stronger vanilla flavor then add more vanilla extract.

I'll add mangos, strawberries, blueberries and whatever fruits I just happen to have.

What is Chia?  Chia is an edible seeds that comes from a desert plant. They have healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, calcium, and proteins. It is super easy to add chia seeds into your diet.  I often add it onto my yogurt, fruits, and baked goods.
Chia Pudding Print
Yields: 2-4 servings

1/3 cup chia seeds
2 cups milk
1 tsp honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1. Combine chia seeds, milk, honey and vanilla extract in a pyrex measuring cup.  Stir to combine.  
2. Let sit for 10 minutes and stir again.  
3. Place in a container and refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 hours.  
4. Top with your choice of fruits and enjoy!

I have also used pandan which will give you Pandan Chia Pudding. You get get a nice green hue.
Topped it with mangos and blueberries

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