Monday, October 14, 2013


One of my favorite things to eat is Chapchae. This is my second attempt at making it and it was much better than the first. The first time I made it, it was lacking flavor. When I boiled the noodles, I didn't add salt and I forgot to add the sesame oil until later. This time around, I made the bulgogi to add as the meat and it really made a difference. The marinate in the bulgogi really brought out the flavors.

Making Chapchae might seem a little time consuming because of all the things you have to add to it. You can pretty much pick and choose what veggies you want to add to it and stir fry then a little bit and continue piling it onto your noodle base. There are the veggies that I used.
Once everything is all cooked you mix it up and get this finished product.
As garnish, I cooked up an egg crepe style and sliced them and there you have it.

Serves about 7-8 people

1 bag of Sweet Potato noodles (dangmyeon), boiled 8-9 mins, then cut twice.
1 king oyster mushroom (you can use any kind of mushroom you like), julienne sliced
1 carrots, julienne sliced
1 red pepper, julienne sliced
1/4 of an onion julienned sliced
4 stalks of green onion chopped
1/2 brunch of spinch chopped
2 T soy sauce
2 T sesame oil
1 T sugar
2 eggs (optional)
Sesame seeds
Olive oil

1. Using a frying pan heat up olive oil on high to cook beated eggs crepe style, and lower heat to medium. Once egg is cooked set aside, let cool and slice into strips.
2. Cook Bulgogi. See previous blog on how to cook Bulgogi.
3. Boil noodles for 8-9 mins until cooked. Then place in a bowl and cut 2-3 times. Theses noodles are long. Add soy sauce, sesame oil and sugar. Mix it up.
4. Start cooking vegetable on a wok or frying pan. Heat up pan with oil on high. It takes about 2 mins per veggie. you can do it all at the same time or one by on or two by two. I did it in increments of two; I cooked the mushrooms with the onions. Then put that in the noodles. Then I cooked the carrots and red pepper. Then the green onions with the spinach. Re-oiling the pan each time.
5. Once all the vegetables are cooked. Mix it all together. Then add the Bulgogi. Add the Egg. Mix it all up to combine.
6. Serve and enjoy!

1 comment :

Cindy said...

Awesome! I've never attempted JapChae before but I think I may try it with your recipe!!