Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'm one of those people that need to carry a notepad and pen or a mobile app that will allow me to write down key words to remind me of my thoughts. I had a pretty eventful day. I got up way too early today but that's okay because I went to sleep at 10 and slept at least 9 hours or so. I decided to do cardio X. Having gotten the workout done, I went and got an oil change. And ran some errands.

I met up with Audrey and Andy and got a chance to catch up with them. We had dinner at Chang's Garden before heading off to watch a movie. We decided to see eat pray love. The movie was actually pretty good. I never read the book so I have nothing to compare it to. I kinda like it that way. The movie was about finding balance and being happy. At least that is what I got out of it. It teaches you not too get married to young because you could grow apart. That's kinda a scary thought. I guess that's why they call it a leap of faith. Anyways, life is all about finding balance. We are constantly juggling things around us. The whole meditation thing was really interesting.

I think julie roberts got big in this movie. I saw in a magazine that she got a boob job, I think she just put on some poundage and that's how the boobs grew.

Tomorrow, I am going to attempt to make lemon bars and maybe some sewing.

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