Sunday, April 23, 2006

so i been in arcadia, and yes..... anyways, i was about to blog, my mommy came in and said i have too many clothes and her HAIR distracted me from my happy thoughts. see i just dyed her hair and it was a tad bit MESSY and i just know that when she comes from washing all that DYE off she will be like.."AHHHH...SHEILA....what did you do.....there are all these BLACK marks." then she continues to complain....."Ainako....para sira oula na ako" So yeah, it's all killer black and I spiked it like dino style, it's awesome and I should totally take a picture.

so looks like no disney today, which is good cause i am tired and lazy. my ass really doesn't want to go anywhere. might go sometime this week, anyone interested, i got an extra ticket.

ohh....i really should get back to work that way i can play or sleep. i'll be BACK!

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