Thursday, April 06, 2006

Lately, I been having some pretty bad migranes. They are the worst because when they come, they like to stay for a little while. Maybe, just maybe me hitting my head twice within a two week span aggrevated it. So lesson is I have to be more careful. This week I have been totally off. If this keeps up, I am totally going to get interventioned. And well, that just doesn't sound pleasant.

I was thinking that maybe I should fill up those persriptions. But medication is bad for you. That is why I hesitate, plus I can only have so many nasal sprays. So that makes me think that I need to find a new doctor that isn't so drug happy. She really loves to use up her perscription pads.

Tonight, I am probably not going to be productive, but I will try. Tomorrow is friday, I can't wait. Because I don't have to work this weekend. Which is great, even though I didn't last week. I might pop in though, cause I don't want to work next weekend, but who knows we might catch up during the week.

So as I type, my head is pounding, is it the light, the smell, the sounds, what is it, ROARRRR.......sleep I shall, better yet, I will just shower it will relax me I think, plus its cold, so maybe I'll return.

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