Face Transformer

Listening to moby.....
so i am living of very few hours of sleep and i am really tired. exams for this week have concluded. but still have so much more stuff to do. but i took some time to goof off. i think this is the first night that i didn't study, i think. i have been stressed lately, i suppose. cause my think is really so sporadic, and i just an jumping bouncing around everywhere. it could be all the pain relievers i been comsuming. anyways.....let's not get into that now. i might consider going to see the doctor next week, if time allows. so nice that i can just close my eyes and type away without having to look at the screen. allows me to rest my pair.
anyways, i also saw SCRUBS tonight. i just really think that is like the funniest shows and makes me want to be a doctor. so yeah, frank showed me this site and it transforms your face to etc. above.....it's a mucha painting, the original and a magna. interesting huh? okay, eyes are retiring.
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