Friday, July 21, 2006

there isn't enough time in the day for me to do all that I want to do because I like to sleep so much.

Here's my list.
I need to get some stamps.
I need to prep all my school stuff.
I have to update my check book.
I need to start packing.
I need to pay bills.
I need to tell my land lady I am moving out.
I need to go to Jo-ann's to fix my bikini top.
I need to upload my pictures.
I need to back up my computer.
I need to get an External.
I need to get a new labtop.
I need to look into my financial aid.
I need .....
I need .....

Needing you.....


Anonymous said...

you need to relax. whats wrong with your current laptop?

Unknown said...

i got stamps.
i am still prepping school stuff.
i updated my check book.
I still need to start packing.
I paid my bills.
I told my land lady I am moving out.
I will go to Jo-ann's tomorrow after my Dr.'s appt.
I still need to upload my pictures.
I need to back up my computer, get an external, and a labtop.
I MUST look into financial aid this WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1