Tuesday, March 16, 2004

i have out done myself once again. for the past two weeks, i have had a habit of eating cereal, at least 3 servings, with no milk. i feel myself expanding. or something. it's fat day. i hate it. i am two weeks into my cycle and i feel like a beached whale. somebody help me. so yeah. i can't wait for debloatation to start. i felt like such a piggy today. the consequences about being a girl. not to mention all the gas that is in me. i mean really. it's like a wham bam....kicking me when i am down.

so i get home from work and did my pilates. decided not to run cause my back was somewhat aching. and the fact that i'll be running tomorrow and the next four day. i might take a rest though. trying to minimize.....we'll see.

so i should be gettting another chapter done in my review book and i think i am going to postpone my dats, 2 weeks later. and gosh... my lower back is bothering me a bit. hmmmm....maybe a nice hot shower will cure it. perhaps, i am already so tired. and also.....a tip. KASHI Puffed.....bad idea. it's too dry....too much like a rice cracker. i can't imagine having it with milk. still have to try it. so sad....i wanted to the GOLEAN crunch but they were sold out. maybe that puffed will go well in my yogurt. wow...i can feel a muscle in my back as i type. too bad i can only feel it on my left side. it is very odd. it is almost pulsing like my heartbeat. perhaps, an increase in metabolism or something.

so i want to get a haircut, i but i still have no clue as what to do with it. i can't wait till the weekend comes cause i can just study. no distractions. i have it planned. i'll take sean to the airport then go to the gym, shower, eat, and study the whole day. and then do the same on sunday. i really hope i get a lot done cause i am taking a mini vacation.

i really should get going now. looking at my calendar and seeing what i have to tend to.

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