Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This is the one consistent thing I get at Starbuck's. Usually hot, but it was a hot day, so it was refreshing to get it iced. I am posting this pic because I met a DJ at Starbuck's this past weekend. He said something very interesting to me that did not make sense. He likes meeting there to support the mom and pop shops. BUT Starbuck's is not that kind of place. It is one of the biggest franchises that people are addicted to and cost a million bucks to start up. So his comment did not make any sense at all. That automatically reduces his discretion judgement in my opinion. Just pointing that out.

2 more days until a little getaway. Too bad I have to work in Friday. Would be nice to get an early start on the weekend. But that's okay, I get to met up with my BFF and grab lunch! Porto's too, it's going to be delicious. They have yummy sandwiches there. Two of my favs are the Steak Torta and the Bistec. And I love them pastries.

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