Friday, December 02, 2005

listening to jason and jane

hello i am in the midst of making some simple spaghetti sauce. that's what i'll be in eating for a while. i wonder how long it will last. so this week, i have bee really productive. only have one last listening test to take for my music class. and two exams left. so i wanna see if i can prep for it all on thursday, but i don't want to over work myself. i want to do well of course. so this week has been so strange. the week started off kinda depressing, but its picked up since. i have been having these horrid headaches though, but am able to control them. and my eyes burn like crazy. i don't know why? contacts....can't be..or could it. anyways, next week is another week with a potential of 2 exams. i will probably stay up late tonight. perhaps i can finish my note taking and leaving me with 2 chapters tomorrow and sunday. tomorrow is a shopping/return day. what to keep and what to return, still waiting on some shoes, i hope they come soon and a jacket on monday.

so i been reminiscent of late. that could be the cause of the pains of my temples, or the change in weather perhaps. so i have all these thoughts and they are fluttering, it's almost like a bottleneck and i just can't sort them. so i guess i am confused. i really have been like so out there lately. i only listen to half of the conversations i engaged in and sometimes i just don't listen. and just nod. if they only knew. my selective attention is really narrowing. hmmm.....after exams all should be better. this week, work really was a blur.

i gotta clean my room, i can't walk around anymore. that is probably what i will do next. and i am really becoming forgetful. i already forgot my intention for a new years resolution.

another thing.....i feel fat today. i need to shed like 5-10 lbs. let's see what happens during this holiday season. i plan to go up north after my trip from what was i thinking. it is going to be so cold. i will manage with a bottle of sherry by my side. hahaha....i better see if you can vegas it. hahaha.....hehehehe

okay, time to stop ranting and start acting. last thing...why do the weekends just fly by?

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

just thought it was funny.. hehehe..