Sunday, November 20, 2005

I am so tired. This weekend was so packed with things to do. so friday, i worked late. still got a chance to see harry potter the goblet of fire though. couldn't believe all the people that went out to go see it. wow. that's all i have to say. then the next day, i studied all day till night time. i got a good amount done and went to church. so i was able to go out and play that evening. but i had to pass on the bbq. night time, we went out to auburgine where mark farina was playing. it was some good mixing. here are some pics and samples. enjoy. Auburgine

Also, just a preview below of some pics. saw a PYSO concert. it was good, i think the best among the three i've seen this year. those youths are really talented. kudos to them.. my hat off to them! okay...time to hit the hay. pat on the back for me...updates...usually i am a notorious lagger. i been good lately.

happy birthday! Posted by Picasa

auburgine Posted by Picasa

mark farina Posted by Picasa

unaware or aware...both Posted by Picasa

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