Friday, November 01, 2002


Midterms.....boooo.....i have one today. Dude, I procratinated.....poo. I read two of the four books that we are going to be tested on, but I went to every single class so i know what's up. I decided to answer the reading question. I answer most of them, so that was a confidence booster. I still need to go over my notes, but I am lacking motivation to do so....hmm...remember have work tomorrow and you can't study there because its "unprofessional." Ha, whatevers.....really....i mean, it isn't the most professional place.......i am a little bitter about that......anyways, I plan to quit that job at the end of the quarter and find another one because I know if i continue to work there, I won't want to go into dentistry. And well, I think i should see what it's like somewhere else before I make a final decision. So let's see....yeah....I mean, I am actually glad I work there cause it has expose so many things to me and it's been really insightful.....okay more on this some other time. I am going to go motivate myself to study.

Oh no....getting sleepy....hmmmm?

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