Wednesday, October 04, 2006

this is going to be a long blog. so bear with me. the past two weeks have been pretty crazy. i been stressed. but now that all ends. at least that specific kind of stress. so i had my probing comp today and i did good. i am glad because i had to put up and work with an unfortunate person. she really was incompetant and didn't come prepared and ready to work. on top of that she didn't manage time wisely and was just really not performing like someone who is suppose to be giving it their all. i will say she got better over time, but still there is a lot of improvement that could be worked on. She really upsets me because i felt like she was using me. and there was absolutely no professionalism on her behalf. She lacks confidence and really just needs to know her stuff. or just fake it until you make it. you gotta show that you know it. or else, you won't get anywhere in life.

in addition, i felt like she put me in many situations that could have been avoided. it is a rule that you don't work without a faculty member present, she insisted that it was okay. putting me in that situation was wrong. because she can screw me over by being a complicated patient. so i felt like i had to do what she wanted or else. so she is very unethical. another thing she doesn't manage her time to get her work done. she claims we did not learn it, but i did, and i was in class and so were you, so did you just not listen or something.

For reals, you better get your act together, and shape up. it's unfair for you to ask me what questions were on the test, it is not fair to everyone else who took the exam where they were suppose to. so whatelse?

she threatened me that if i didn't help her out on her probing, she would be complicated in my exam. that is not right. i really don't know what i should do about her. i have to take the same classes with her for the next two years. i better just keep my mouth shut. maybe she'll get her act together, if not, i am sorry for the next person that has to be her partner.

all i can say is that i am glad, i am done working with her. now i can loose this pulsating vein on my neck. the rest of the week is going to be great. time to do homework and start stuying for exams.

last thing, she was like, can you come early so i can practice? i didn't have class until 1 that day, so i was like, fine i'll meet you at 11. and there was no faculty member present. and she was like, i will go for you if you need me too. she did not and she flaked. F-her. lastly, infection-free environment is the utmost important thing. she was like, we can use the same set up for you. I was like F-no!!!! I don't want your stinky disease ass germs. Hell no am i sitting on that chair that you residued over. you've got some bacterial infection and i don't want any of that. so i told her, NO! you do that and YOU'LL FAIL. I am even skeptical about sitting in the chair she set up.

okay, enough of that. comments?

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

i will miss you this weekend