Thursday, August 11, 2005

the verve pipe - colorful

its been so long since i heard that song. brings back memories. i finally uploaded some pictures. okay, so all my pictures. all i have to do now is upload them for viewing. and back them up.

gosh i ate so much i feel like such a pig. am so sad that my computer, desktop that is crapped out on me. that's why i had to get laptop. if i wasn't typing on it now, i would be quite bored.

so i am writting my declaration and then going to shower, pack, organize some stuff and am really glad that i just have a half day tomorrow. i will be out like super early. between 10:30-11. depending on when i get in. so yeah, what else. i need to do all these erroneous things. it quite bugs. i feel kinda pressured when in reality i am really not.

so let me go off on a tangent here. everyone is having a baby girl this year or something. babies are so cute but no way in hell i will have one in the near future. cause 1st of all, i am way to young to even think about that. though, i like to play with them. so long as i am not responsible for them. that is just a way scary though. and marriage. that is like the talk of work, ever since i started working. that is also way too soon to grasp. i am at my prime. and that is a thought that is set in the future off somewhere. i am in a committed relationship, however, but that has always been the case for me. i seem to find myself in these situations one way or another. However, i have always wonder, what if i never committed, would i be a totally different person? to answer that, yes, i think i would be more successful, but not as personable. interesting way of thinking about things.

so let's see what else.......i am not really getting old, although, i say it all the time. but for reals, time is breezing by. i remember as a high schooler, i had all these expectations and a planned out future. what was i thinking?

so every since i started college i have been on my own. it is kinda nice but it didn't hit me until now, how much i did not think about it.

so someone once told me that i have the gift. aren't you all curious to know what that gift is. i guess those of you that know me, know what it is, but then again, i like to think i have many gifts. it just depends which part of my personality you have met.

everyone mets some part of me. put all those people together and you get a complete version of what i am. too bad, no knows the real Sheila. This rants expresses little bits here and there, but never the complete picture. because what fin would that be if it was that easy.

so i haven't ranted like this in ages. i really need a vacation. soon, because it is long overdue. well that is all the chatting for now. on my next entry, perhaps i will just post some long overdue pictures. but perhaps not. HAHAHA

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