Wednesday, August 31, 2005

listening to X&Y Coldplay

so have you ever wondered why you are in the field you are in? as i sit here studying about human anatomy, i think about all the other options i had set before me when deciding a major in college. why did i choose this field. why am i learning about the anatomical system? why not literature, business or law? i wonder. then there's always the road not taken. ahhh....but many ways in which we can view life.

i constantly question this path i am in, what does that mean. i should just stuck it up and stick with it. but if you think about it, why should i? i really am still confused about why i am where i am. i guess i just have to accept it. learning is fun so i don't know why i am complaining. i guess i am just thinking about all the other things (resources) that i want to expose myself too. i think the weather is changing. i wish i got more done today. oh well, tomorrow is another day, now ain't it. better get to bed, cause i am getting hungry.

oh yeah, after my run today, it felt cool. it was somewhat windy. well, sleepy time, alas.

oh yes, life and it's many things i want, yet so afraid to take those baby steps. i could be so simple. i guess it can be. but then there was that apple and that snake and now we are sinners. so let us now all repent and pray for rainbows.

last things....well, i will save it for another time.

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