Saturday, July 16, 2005

so i saw tyra banks today at the santa anita mall. they were doing something for television, i think. maybe you will see me on tv, but probably not. so what else. i met up with cindy today, it was nice, haven't seen her in a while. always good to see a familiar face. we ate at claim jumpers. it was great. i haven't been there in a while. so it was refreshing. i had planned a more actvity day, but i am glad the way it turned out. what else. maybe tomorrow, i will be more active. like go to la. but it is so hot that i just want to stay put.

so, ummm...i am going to reformat my computer. so it runs faster. i have all this not so needed programs.

today was most relaxing. i went to the mall, as i said earlier and saw some cute baby clothes. i got two cute lil dresses. :)

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