Friday, April 01, 2005

so everyone, guess what? I am moving. i have finally decided to MOVE. move away from my bubble. i am moving to the bay area. i was recently offered a position and i have decided to accept. it'll be good. a new change of environment for me. it will do me some good. perhaps i will mature even more. anyways, going to head out soon. so wish me luck. thanks!!!!!!

so today at was fun. yesterday bryan brought donuts. they were so DELICIOUS. it so hit the spot. but being a PIGGY. i had 3 donuts. so alas, i worked out for an hour to burn it off. i was like, okay, 1 donut to go. just a little bit more. but yeah, to my point, so the empty box was left my delight i took this opportunity to trick some people. on the outside of the box, i wrote "DONUTS! YUM! look insde" and inside, i left a post-it note saying, "haha...aprils fools!" that was so evil of me, but it was a delight. hehehehe. one of the many highlights of my day.

p.s. you've just been fooled. haha.....april fools.


Sophia Kuo Tiong said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm.. 1st joke seems a lil to familiar.. hardy-har-har.. =P