Wednesday, August 18, 2004

i am so very tired and i need to nap. sigh. i need to get my secondary done. it has to be done tonight. i have but one section left and one that needs to be revised. i must send this out no later than friday. then two more secondaries and i am home free. i hope i get those done before friday too.

so i have been meaning to blog. but alas, i am always so tired. so here's what's going on. last week, on thursday, i checked out ROSCOE'S Chicken and Waffles. I read many raves about it, so i decided to check it out. it was pretty good there. but i must say, i don't think the reviews were all that accurate. i guess i just expected more from the waffles. i imagined it to be heaven. but they were still good, i just though there was something more special about them. the chicken was good too. nice and hot so you can still still the steam coming from it. ya gotta love that. their gravy and etc...delicious. so #2 for all you big eaters. and #13 for smaller portions. overall, I would go there again definitely. a con is that it is a bit pricey. it's no KFC i'll say.

moving on. i am now going to RANT about UCI disability services center. so my sis sprank her ankle. she's on crutches and the worst. thinking that uci had a service in which they drive you to class and pick you up, as which was the case when i use to go there. so i tell my sister about it and that way i don't have to drive 10 mins to UCI and pick her up to take her to class and then come back 1 hour and half later to pick her up. so we went there today to get that done and they (the UCI DISABLITY SERVICES) tell us that we don't do that anymore. I was outraged those stinking lazy ASSES. my goodness someone really needs to SUE them. sure they do other stuff like what....hmmm......interesting....I was so bitter. that chick in the front that was helping us was NO HUMANITARIAN. she was just a lazy ass. geez, get off your ass and help some people.

moving on. so i am bitter. i really need to get a job or something. i am all tired. oh yeah still recovering from my food poisioning on sunday. i still went to work on monday and tuesday. i think i am going to get sick soon. gosh, that will be horrible cause i can't do anything. okay gotta get back to secondaries. i NEED to finish this tonight.

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