Thursday, November 01, 2007

apologize ..... one republic

so it's almost friday........i need to clean up, my room and house is a mess. I have so much to do, but not enough time to do it all. I think I am involving myself in too many activities. I really can't wait until thanksgiving break. that will give me some time to catch up on everything. But for reals, I need to study more during the week. That way i can stay on top of everything. but it is so hard, when I have a day that starts out at 6. get home at 7pm. All I want to do then is chill out. and veg before I can get any work done. that's why I love the weekends. But this weekend, I am committed. I have mobile clinic on saturday and sailing with the dean on sunday. Man, I realized I should have only chosen one of those activities. POO!

I am going to clean up soon, good thing, I have an easy morning. Then an easy patient i hope in the afternoon. I had tobacco cessation, but we always end up getting a patient. so i was just like, i'll see that one. I am going to do a care of prosthesis. I would do more, but I think i am pretty much set. maybe i will bust out the ultrasonic, but why when I can scale it well.

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