Saturday, September 05, 2015

It has been ages since I lasted updated.  I guess I got caught up in a bunch of things.  Life, I suppose. I was actually thinking about starting a new blog.  But would I really update it that much?  Ideally, I have all these new recipes/creations that I want to share but am just not finding the time to post them. Why is that?  That's a rhetorical question, of course.  Perhaps, I should schedule it into my calendar to block out a space specifically to blog/update my blog.  I am also behind on my yelps reviews.  I been dining at all these place and want to share the experience with the public.  It must be summer, we are always out and about.  Oh the dreaded winter is a coming, maybe then I'll be productive because it will be too cold to be galloping about.

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