my tummy erts. i think that second glass of tangerine juice 'fresh squeezed' was a bad idea. hopefully, the badness will pass.
i am at home right now cause i had a dentist appointment. i had 4 fillings done. gosh, it took more than two hours, that's tough. i was all numb and drooling and really couldn't feel anything. extremely numb. the numbness has pretty much worn off. the doctor did a pretty good job. kudos.
ran errands with my sister today and we ended up staying at best buy for like an hour or so. she got two dvds. i was going to get a couple, but i think i'll wait on it.
i have work tomorrow. boo..... i am too tired and achy to go. i am really getting lazy. ever since my accident it hasn't been the day. i want to heal soon so i can go back to my routine. i have had to take so many things down a degree. i will cycle tomorrow though cause i need to. of course, a light work out cause when i put too much, i ache and well, we can't have that now. the void in my back is getting better, but my stiff neck is still tight. soon, it will get better, so i can do my arm regiment. perhaps. i really want to take up a yoga class. i think it will improve my knee issue.
i had a pretty satisfying meal for dinner, however some egg would have been pleasant. perhaps, i should make my lunch for tomorrow. but i may go many not. i could always go home. since i live close by, or just read. that sounds pleasant.
i noticed that this entry was more blah...guess its cause i am tired and sleep. i almost felt asleep on the chair a couple of times. or perhaps, my mind is elsewhere.